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Video review: advantages and disadvantages of PCP, CO2 and spring air rifles
What are the differences between air guns powered by compressed air, carbon
dioxide or spring?
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This weapon is a unique replica of submachine Hk MP5 with original logos. The
advantage is a high capacity magazine, which is up to 41pcs of steel BBs.
Another positive feature is the folding stock.
Temporarily Unavailable
$ 148.7
This weapon is unique replica of a submachine HK MP5 with original logos. Polymer-metal construction with internal mechanisms of the alloy metal. The gun has a spring-magazine for steel BBs. 22 mm weaver rail to mounting sights. CO2 capsule is inserted into the rear of the weapon. What is important is the possibility of folding stock or its total dismantling. Of course there is a safety against unwanted shot.
Blow-Back system enhances the realistic performance of the shooting.
6× rated
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Tomáš Matzke
Registered user,
12.12.2022Machine translation
Registered user,
11.12.2022Machine translation
It's a nice-looking weapon. It does what it says it does and it commands
Registered user,
20.12.2022Machine translation
Looks more like a toy up close, but it doesn't shoot badly.
David Prekop
Registered user,
22.11.2022Machine translation