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Free downloadable targets - for an air rifle, pistol and PCP rifle

Lukáš Hajný

We have created four different paper targets for you to print. Each one is absolutely free. All you need is an ordinary black and white printer, A4 paper and you'll have your own targets in no time.

Did you run out of shooting targets? Don't worry

We have created paper targets for you to print. All you need is an ordinary black and white printer and some A4 paper. The downloadable targets are in PDF formats. Whether you are looking for air rifle targets or small arms targets, you are guaranteed to find something you like.

classic round targets for printing

You can now print our best-selling airgun target in the comfort of your own home. It's great for practice shooting and competitions. It's easy to read the points, especially if you use flat-headed pellets that will punch a nice even hole in the target.

terc kruhovy klasicky

By clicking on the PDF icon, you can save the target directly to your PC or the browser will ask you if you want to download the file. If you have a PDF plug-in in your browser, the target will be opened in a new window. From there you can print it directly. It depends on the features of your PC or browser.

If you don't want to print the target, you can get it ready-made. This popular air rifle target is on hard paper and the hits are easy to read.



Advanced targets similar to those used in Benchrest shooting. They are ideal for practicing precision shooting with small arms or PCP airguns. You can use them to test different types of ammunition. There are also spaces for notes, scores, dates and more.

terc na vetrovku a pistoli
terc vetrovka 45 45

The process is the same as for the classic round target. Click on the PDF file and save or view the target. You can then print them. The 45x45 mm targets are represented by the icon on the left, the 35x35 mm targets on the right.

pdf_ikona                                                                                          pdf_ikona


Targets with a figure outline are usually used to practice defensive shooting. The large circle in the middle of the body and the smaller circle on the head make it easier to evaluate hits, even at longer distances.


Click on the PDF file. The target will either open in your browser or will be saved to your PC. You can then print it. 


how to print the targets

  1. Select the desired target. (If you want to print all of them, you will find the ZIP file below. Just unzip it. You will then have all the targets in one place)
  2. Click on the desired PDF icon. A target can also be saved from each image in this article.
  3. When you click on the target, it will either be saved directly or the browser will first ask you if you want to save it. If you have the PDF plugin, the target will open in a new window and you can print it directly without the need to save anything.
  4. Choose classic A4 printing on the printer. All other parameters are already prepared.
  5. Use a paper weight of at least 160 g/m². Lower weights may cause tearing.

sighting in targets - an added bonus

In addition, we have created so-called rectification targets, which make it much easier to sight in optics. Print the handy target in an A4 format in its original resolution to preserve its dimensions. The grid is 10 x 10 mm. This gives you a better estimate of how many clicks are still needed on the rifle scope's turrets.

nastrelovaci terc rektifikacni


And if you prefer ready-made targets or a completely different kinds of targets, be sure to check out our full range of targets and pellet traps. For example, reflective targets are a hot new item that make it easy to see hits even at long distances.

Good shooting!


We recommend:

Venox Spinner


> 100 pcs in stock, estimated delivery: January 23 - 24.

$ 13.9

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Autor článku: Lukáš Hajný

Weapons and hunting expert, ex-Balistas

Weapons and hunting specialist. Dealt with technical questions from customers, filmed video reviews, wrote for the help room and blog. Worked at Balistas from 2017-2022.

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